Property Rental Tips by The Makeover Guys

  • 9 months ago
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Hi everyone! As we have just entered the beginning of year 2022, one of the most exciting and busiest time for most or at least some of us, embarking on a many uncharted journey such as new goals, new career, new challenges, new resolutions, new car and of course new home too.

When we are talking about new home, the word “renovation” naturally will come into our mind. Many of us who just got our new home probably have had been planning to start the renovation since last year which is rather not a good year. As we all know, many activity had been temporary halt due to MCO and renovation work was one of them.

Renovation work schedule which had been interrupted due to MCO had caused the accumulation backlog of work and when the renovation work resumed after MCO was lifted in August 2021, we noticed there was a sudden surged of cost in home furnishing such as renovation, electrical appliances and furniture due to sudden tremendous demand from the market simultaneously. As rising cost of for home furnishing to make it liveable easily up by than 20%-30% compared to pre-pandemic, this poses a new challenge to the new home owner especially for rental market.

As some of us are totally new in market who probably don’t know how and where to start, getting some tips and advice from the experienced people in the industry might be helpful, we think.

Therefore, PROPCAFE paid a personal surprise visit to The MakeOver Guys’s office to get Mr.Gavin Liew to share some of his insightful tips and strategies with us. Mr. Gavin Liew is an avid property investor himself and he is also one of the founder of The MakeOver Guys. When we says “experienced people” , we are not just referring to someone who had done a few jobs in their entire career. The MakeOver Guys has been staying relevant in the industry for having completed more than 2,000 makeover to date. If that number does not justify them as an expert, then we don’t know what does.

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